Meeting Minutes

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Subject: July 2002 ACTS Meeting

The July 1st, 2002 ACTS Meeting was, as always, very enlightening and exciting! Sam Sampat (Sgt-at-Arms) called the members to assemble and be seated at 6:19 P.M. This meeting was unique and very special, partly because it was new Officer Installation night. The underlying theme for the evening was very appropriately entitled, "Officer Installation/Excellent Leadership" by the evening's Toastmaster extraordinaire-- Jim Raney.  
Before the Pledge of Allegiance, Sam's inspirational message depicted, "What are the qualities of great Leadership," it was most heartedly received. He then introduced President Steve Smith to the lectern to welcome the members and special guests. Steve commented on how well the club has done over the past year, and now with 26 members, this next year (July 2002- June 2003) promises to be even more grand!!!
Present were: Bob Neary (New Area Governor), Sam Sampat, Kim Rhodes, Susan Hannon,Tadd Small, Teresa Tayag, Lura Harrison, Ed Mihalka, Steve Smith, Jim Raney, and Lauren Bailey.
Robert (Bob) Neary was then called to conduct the Officer installation ceremony. One by one, each new Officer was called to the front to hold the highly-coveted Golden Gavel as Bob swore them in to thoughtfully execute the duties of their specific office. Each Officer eagerly and most reverently accepted their appropriate duties for the 1-year term.
Jim Raney (Toastmaster) took control from there and soon introduced Susan Hannon as the General (Chief) Evaluator.
Jim then introduced Speaker #1- Steve Smith.
Steve's project was a Personal Dramatic Story entitled, "A lesson from crisis to recovery." He dramatically took the group through his near brush with death when he was caught up in a terrible fire at his former office building. Steve was reported as being dead by the local media after this all-consuming blaze was extinguished. But thankfully for Steve and all of us, Reports of his death were greatly exaggerated. Just like the mythical Flight of the Phoenix, Steve arose ever renewed from the burning ashes to fly high again. 
Speaker #2 was the Godfather himself-Ed Mihalka.
Ed's selected project was, "The ROAST."
He entitled it, "Here are your just rewards Steve." 
Now I've been to a roast or two in years gone past, but never experienced anything quite like this. Instead of the usual Shake and Bake of the person on the receiving end, Ed saw fit to deep fry and fricassee poor Steve. It was obvious during this short but very pointed exercise that Ed was thoroughly enjoying himself ever more following each verbal blow. Thankfully, Steve is always a good sport, but vowed that sometime soon the tables will be turned, and then the Godfather will be sitting squarely on the Hotseat for a dose of his own medicine. I Can't wait...
Next on the hit parade, it was time for the PS Trainer:
Teresa Tayag, equipped with her colorful assortment of markers, illustrated techniques and skills used in remembering person's names.
She drew a happy face on her flip chart, and in mind-mapping style, drew 4 lines emanating from the happy smiling eyecon. Each of the 4 lines was given a capital letter- F-A-C-E.
On the second page of her trusty flip chart, Teresa then had the 4 letter acronym written in vertically.
F- Focus on the person. Find out something unique about them.
A- Assume value. Ask him/her questions (proper spelling, heritage, etc.)
C- Comment- Categorize- Complement.
E- Employ. Use the name directly and indirectly, such as introducing 
    the person by name to others.
These techniques of repetitive use of their name will help to leave a lasting impression in our memory about them.
As Dale Carnegie once wrote in his best seller, "Making friends and Influencing people," the proper use of a person's name shows caring, respect, and fosters trust. It brings a strong warm and fuzzy bond between you and the other person.  (Teresa was very expressive!)
Thank you so much Teresa for that all-important interpersonal training. It's easy to see how you can do technical training for a living. You are a great communicator and have the knack for making it look so easy!
Before the Roundtable evaluations, Susan Hannon (Gen Eval) asked each designated Speaker Evaluator to start the Evaluation process.
Lura Harrison was the designated Evaluator for Steve Smith. 
Lura gave Steve a resounding thumbs up for his subtle use of surprise as he skillfully interjected himself as being the person the local media  described as being a victim of the fierce fire. She said she wished the dramatic story could have been longer, as most of the roundtable Evaluators eventually did.    
Ed Mihalka's Evaluator was Lauren Bailey.
Lauren started out by laughing profusely at Ed's very pointed roast of Steve. She was complementary of Ed's heartless performance, and made the comment that it might have been nice for this 3-minute Roast to have been extended a bit longer...
I don't know about that Lauren, I think 3-minutes was more than long enough for Ed to cook Steve's goose...  
After the Roundtable evaluation of Teresa's great training, Susan Hannon did an evaluation of the meeting. Her very energetic superlatives made us all glad we were there. Her closing comments were short and sweet: The words Susan used to describe the meeting were- "Most Excellent and So Much Fun." She ended with a very hearty, "BRAVO!!!
The Meeting was Adjourned at 8:44 P.M.
Submitted by Tadd Small- Club 416-F Secretary~ July 5th, 2002  

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